Research of the state of customs clearance of cargo at the Ukrainian border transfer points



Ключові слова:

customs clearance, international transportation, customs checkpoints, border transfer points


In international transportation, waiting in line for customs clearance often takes several times longer than the actual customs clearance. This article aims to show the influence of the technological and technical component of the customs process on its effectiveness, as well as the need to improve the methods of customs control during international transportation. The analysis of data on the current state of export transportation in Ukraine allowed us to identify the reasons for delays at border customs posts during international cargo transportation. The existing measures to improve customs procedures with cargo were reviewed. The prospects for carrying out technological operations and developing technical solutions to increase the efficiency of customs services and reduce the time of cargo clearance are outlined.

Біографії авторів

Hanna Shelekhan, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport

Candidate of Tech. Sciencies, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of The Department of Railway Stations and Units

Olena Mkrtychyan, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport

Senior Lecturer of The Department of Marketing, commercial activity andeconomic theory

Anastasiia Afonina, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport

Master Student of The Faculty of Railway Operation and Management


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