A hierarchical model of the information environment for railway power supply system critical objects control




Ключові слова:

hierarchical model, control, power supply, information, railway


It is proposed to consider the hierarchical model of the information environment as a structure according to its functions (implemented by the software part) and architecture (responsible for effective implementation of functional capabilities). It is proposed to improve the information management system of Ukrzaliznytsia’s critical power supply facilities, based on the developed hierarchical model of the information environment, which takes into account the presence of Ukrzaliznytsia’s own generation sources by integrating the appropriate control subsystem into the information system structure. The model emphasizes the integration of software and hardware components for data collection, pre-processing, and decision-making, contributing to a highly automated and intelligent control system. It proposes a multi-level structure incorporating artificial intelligence and advanced technologies to optimize electricity consumption and improve operational efficiency within the railway power supply system.

Біографії авторів

Олесь Сергійович Гайденко, Kyiv Electromechanical Professional Pre-Higher College

PhD, lecturer

Галина Михайлівна Голуб, State University of Infrastructure and Technologies

PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies of Transport

Іван Іванович Кульбовський, State University of Infrastructure and Technologies

PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies of Transport


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