Complex signals parameters optimization on the base of linear approximations using the gradient method and Newton’s method
DOI:Ключові слова:
linear approximations, ensembles of complex signals, gradient method, Newton's method, gradient norm, objective function, optimization of signal parameters, iterative algorithm, noise immunityАнотація
The article examines the effectiveness of the gradient descent and Newton methods for optimizing the parameters of ensembles of complex signals. Algorithms have been developed and implemented that increase the accuracy of setting parameters and ensure reasonable optimization of spectral, temporal and statistical characteristics of signals.
The effectiveness of the application of the methods was confirmed experimentally on the example of reducing the error and increasing the level of immunity. The obtained results substantiate the improvement of the parameters of complex signals, which proves the efficiency of use for wireless telecommunication systems in order to ensure stable and reliable operation in conditions of dynamic changes in the environment and a high level of interference.
The article compares the mathematical methods of optimization, namely the gradient method and Newton's method, proposes mathematical models and constructs algorithms that empirically prove the effectiveness of the application of the studied mathematical methods in the specified scientific area - for optimizing the parameters of ensembles of complex signals. Scientific works [1-6, 9, 12] present algorithms based on the gradient method and Newton's method, but they do not consider in detail the comparative analysis of the effectiveness of these methods for optimizing the parameters of ensembles of complex signals for implementation in various scientific and practical tasks.
The effectiveness of the algorithms proposed in the article was confirmed experimentally, which made it possible to reduce the error and improve the characteristics of ensembles of complex signals.
As a result of the experiments using the methods of gradient descent and Newton, a significant reduction of the error and an improvement of the stability of the signals were achieved. Newton's method reduced the error from 0.1 to 0.0027, justifying the high accuracy of setting the signal parameters. The gradient descent method provided a stable reduction of the gradient norm from 12.75 to less than 1.23, effectively reducing the interference level, i.e. increasing the interference immunity.
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